Is K-wine the next big thing? This local sommelier thinks so.
While Korea may not be the first country that one thinks of when it comes to wine production, the country's takes on beverages like “cheongsu” and “chusa" have been seeing increasing popularity in recent years. This is in part thanks to Korean...
🔹 암기 문장
Wine is more than just a drink. It is a culture.
Just as we do not stop at drinking red wine at a winery and go on to discuss the culture and history of Italy, Korea has a sufficient potential to produce its own wines with a story and taste.
🔹 암기 단어
• aficionado : 애호가
• pay off : 성공하다 (to produce a result that you want)
• vibrant : 활기 넘치는
• homegrown : 국산의
• fragrance : 향기, 방향
• ardent : having very strong feelings
• gastronomy : 요리법