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[Daily English] Nostalgic cartoon characters fuel retailers in recession

by isdawell 2023. 2. 10.



Nostalgic cartoon characters fuel retailers in recession

From bold red wine to glittering pink heels, nostalgia marketing is sweeping the retail market with beloved childhood cartoons.






🔹 암기 문장 


Thre retail and fashion market are typically very sensitive to trends. Yet there are many pessimists predicting cosumer sentiment to shrink this year due to high interest rates and inflation. 




🔹 암기 단어 


•  nostalgic : 향수의 

•  accentuate : 강조하다 

•  reminiscent : 회상, 추억 

•  stir : to move or cause 

•  thrust : to push with force 

•  advent : 출현 

•  pumps : 슬리퍼 

•  wardrobe : 옷장 

•  captivate : to attract attention 

•  sweet spot : 마케팅 분야에서, 기업에 대한 소비자의 친밀감이 극대화 되는 시점이라는 뜻으로 쓰임 










